Brahma History ब्रह्मा देव

 ब्रह्माजीको जन्म कसरी भयो ।

हिन्दू पौराणिक कथाहरूमा, ब्रह्मा सुनको अण्डाबाट उत्पन्न भएको र भगवान विष्णुको नाभिबाट जन्मेको भनिएको छ।  त्यसपछि उहाँले ब्रह्माण्ड र सबै जीवित प्राणीहरू, देवताहरू र मानवहरू सहित सृष्टि गर्नुभयो।  उहाँलाई प्रायः चार टाउको र चार हातहरू, कमलको फूल र ज्ञानको पुस्तक लिएर चित्रण गरिएको छ। 

देवताहरूको हिन्दू त्रिमूर्तिमा, ब्रह्मालाई सृष्टिकर्ता, विष्णुलाई रक्षक र शिवलाई विनाशकर्ता मानिन्छ।  हिन्दू धर्ममा ब्रह्मालाई विष्णु र शिव जत्तिकै व्यापक रूपमा पूजा गरिन्छ, तर त्यहाँ उहाँलाई समर्पित केही मन्दिरहरू छन्, जस्तै पुष्कर, राजस्थान, भारतको ब्रह्मा मन्दिर।

ब्रह्माको सृष्टिकर्ताको रूपमा ब्रह्माको भूमिका वैदिक ग्रन्थहरूमा पनि महत्त्वपूर्ण छ, जस्तै ऋग्वेद, जहाँ उहाँलाई "ब्रह्माण्डीय व्यक्ति" भनेर उल्लेख गरिएको छ र सबै सृष्टिको स्रोतको रूपमा हेरिएको छ।

ब्रह्मा पनि बौद्ध धर्ममा एक महत्वपूर्ण देवता हो, जहाँ यो विश्वास गरिन्छ कि उहाँ बुद्धको शिक्षा प्राप्त गर्ने र बुद्ध धर्मको अनुयायी बन्ने पहिलो देवता हुनुहुन्थ्यो।

समग्रमा, ब्रह्मालाई हिन्दू धर्ममा एक महत्त्वपूर्ण देवता मानिन्छ र ब्रह्माण्डको सृष्टिकर्ताको रूपमा सम्मान गरिन्छ, ब्रह्माण्ड, मानव र सबै जीवित प्राणीहरूको सृष्टिमा सृष्टिकर्ताको रूपमा उहाँको भूमिका महत्त्वपूर्ण छ।

Brahma is one of the major deities in Hinduism, along with Vishnu and Shiva. He is considered the creator god and is responsible for the creation of the universe and all living beings.

In Hindu mythology, Brahma is said to have emerged from a golden egg and was born from the navel of the god Vishnu. He then created the universe and all living beings, including the gods and humans. He is often depicted with four heads and four arms, holding a lotus flower and a book of knowledge.I

n the Hindu trinity of gods, Brahma is considered the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. Brahma is not as widely worshipped as Vishnu and Shiva in Hinduism, but there are a few temples dedicated to him, such as the Brahma Temple in Pushkar, Rajasthan, India.

Brahma's role as the creator of the universe is also significant in the Vedic texts, such as the Rigveda, where he is referred to as the "cosmic person" and is seen as the source of all creation.

Brahma is also an important deity in Buddhism, where it is believed that he was the first god to receive the teachings of the Buddha and become a follower of Buddhism.

Overall, Brahma is considered an important god in Hinduism and is revered as the creator of the universe, his role as creator is significant in the creation of the universe, the human being and all living creatures.

©️Puskar Pantha 

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